Our Written Warranty
It is impossible to state that any given dog will be completely free of genetic imperfections. In our breeding program, we only breed dogs that are certified to have no signs of Hip Dysplasia or Elbow Dysplasia as evaluated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals Inc. (OFA) , Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) or Penn Hip.
We test for these genetic defect: Centronuclear Myopathy ~ Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome, ~ Cone Degeneration ~ Cystinuria, Degenerative Myelopathy ~, Elliptocytosis ~ Exercise-Induced Collapse ~ Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis ~ Hyperuricosuria ~ Ichthyosis ~ Intervertebral Disc Disease Risk Factor and Chondrodystrophy, Macular Corneal Dystrophy ~ Myotubular Myopathy 1 ~ Narcolepsy ~ Progressive Retinal Atrophy ~ Cone-Rod DProgressive Retinal Atrophy 4 ~ Progressive Retinal Atrophy ~ Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration ~ Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency ~ Retinal Dysplasia/Oculoskeletal Dysplasia 1 ~ Skeletal Dysplasia 2 ~ Stargardt Disease ~ Copper Toxicosis (CT) ~ Dilute Coat DNA
We also require all dogs in our breeding program to have an eye exam by a Certified Ophthalmologist showing they are free of Inherited Eye Problems every two years. We breed only when we are satisfied that the dogs have perfect temperaments and are genetically sound. We feel that by adhering to these high standards we are cutting down the odds of producing a defective pup. Therefore, we offer this warranty provided the purchaser complies with this agreement.
If there is a problem, the following must be done:
1) A copy of the finding from O.F.A. or Penn Hip and or a copy of the findings from their certified Ophthalmologist must be sent to us for our records.
2) The dog must not have been bred.
3) Our kennel name NESS LAKE RETRIEVERS must appear on the CKC Registration papers and all the conditions of the Sales Contract have been fulfilled and adhered to by the Purchaser.
4) Guarantee is void if the dog has been sold to another buyer.
5) The dog must not have been involved in any jogging, biking, repeated prolonged training, play or other activity that could damage the joints while the pup is in it growth stage. The dog must not have been on a diet of low quality food or had its health compromised due to neglect by the owners. Blood work will be required for evaluation of health and health records from your veterinarian be provided to the Veterinarian of our choice.
6) We reserved the right to have a second opinion by a Veterinarian of our choice to confirm any findings. At this point, when we are satisfied that a problem does exist, and all the conditions above have been met for this Warranty along with the Sales Contract.
In the very sad event your puppy is diagnosed with a Genetic Defect or Congenital abnormalities (conditions that an animal is born with; they are often called “birth defects) that requires corrective surgery to maintain your dogs quality of life, we will refund $500.00 after we have received the veterinary receipt following completion of the required surgery along with the certificate of spay or neuter. Price of de-sexing is not covered in the refund. All transportation expenses will be assumed by the buyer
This guarantee applies to the original buyer of this noted dog.